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Locations derived from light curves of geolocators (Intigeo-P50A11-7-SEA, Migrate Technology Ltd.), attached with a backpack harness system to adult Mediterranean Storm-petrels Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis in the breeding colony of Filfla, Malta, during the 2016 breeding season. All location data calculated from IntiProc assigned sunrise and sunset events in R-Package GeoLight 2.0. ± 20 days from equinox data not included. Aim of the study is the identification of marine Important Bird Areas for Maltese seabirds as part of
EU-Life+ (LIFE10 NAT/MT/090), EU-Life (LIFE14 NAT/MT/000991)
Project partners: BirdLife Malta, RSPB, SPEA,TM
Co-funded by MSDEC