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Data from GLS (loggers from BAS) deployed on Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome at New Island (Falkland/Malvinas) in 2012 after moult. These data show the complete winter migration of 13 penguins. Departure/Return dates inferred from immersion data. Location estimated from light and temperature data recorded along time, using tripEstimation package in R (maximum-likelihood approach). Latitude estimates are expected to remain reliable during equinox periods with this approach. These tracking data are exploited in a paper currently submitted (21 May 2015) by the following authors: Jean-Baptiste Thiebot, Charles-André Bost, Nina Dehnhard, Laurent Demongin, Marcel Eens, Gilles Lepoint, Yves Cherel and Maud Poisbleau."