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This data corresponding to locations of Black-Browed Albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophris) for non-breeding season (April to September) for 2011,2012,2013 and 2015.
Albatrosses were attracted to commercial and sport fishing vessels using fish and squid baits and then captured using hoop nets in waters of Argentine Continental Shelf. The devices (PTTs) were attached with Tesa® tape or Teflon ribbon wing harnesses. Age class was determined by plumage and beak coloration to identify adults or immature individuals. In this dataset, juvenile and sub-adult individuals were pooled together as immature individuals because the characteristic of plumage and beak coloration among juvenile and sub-adult individuals vary among colonies making classification difficult when the colony of origin is unknown.
The birds were caught at multiple locations in the Argentinian sea, so a lat/lon catch midpoint was used as the Deployment location.