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Locations with a breeding stage of “non-breeding” are from the post-moult period.
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Geolocation analyses were conducted in the Solar/Satellite Geolocation for Animal Tracking (SGAT; https://rdrr. io/github/SWotherspoon/SGAT/) environment for R. This package relies on Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation of movement trajectories (Sumner et al. 2009), and daily location estimates are refined using (1) a movement model, (2) a land mask to disallow location estimates on land, and (3) a sea-surface temperature matching procedure between the logger’s record and altimetry data. The movement model used an average daily speed of 0.85 m s−1 based on satellite tracking of Fiordland Penguins (Mattern et al. 2018), 1036 Journal of Ornithology (2020) 161:1033–1043 1 3 with a variance of 1. The sea-surface temperature data were weekly means over a grid of 1 spatial degree, downloaded from NOAA’s Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature V2 dataset ( ed/data.noaa.oisst.v2.html).